Purchase Terms & Conditions

If procurement managers are convinced and ask supplier (on Email) for samples with sample order then deliver the sample through Post/courier on registered address (find in contact page).
After the inspection supplier will get contacted by us or maximum within 7 days.
General Terms & Important notes for Suppliers
1. Marjane do not buy/purchase/take any product/service until signed an agreement between Marjane & Supplier with the details of product/service buy/purchase.
2. Details of GST, Name, Address & Contact details should be clearly mentioned on invoices.
3. All the original Bills / invoices are to be raised on us at our “Bill to Location” address only.
4. Material shall be dispatched only along with Original Bill / Invoice having Purchase Order (P.O.) Number & P.O. Date with correct Item Code and item description as per our P.O.
5. Invoice shall be raised for each “Ship To Location” separately.
6. Acceptance of the material will be subjected to International/Company Quality Standards.
7. Test Certificate should accompany with the supply.
8. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should accompany with the supply (in case of any chemical supply).
9. Supplier shall comply the relevant environmental legislation, regulation.
10. All supply ensure to reach at place between 5:30 – 13:00
11. After supply of goods must take receiving.
12. In case of any minute dispute or violation of agreement will cause to stop the supply.